Arpafil Home - Taller de arquitectura

Arpafil Home


Contest presented at the festivities of the International Book Fair in Guadalajara in the chapter of ArpaFIL in 1998. The idea of the proposal was to refocus the program to be in addition to the official home ArpaFIL (competition program) that somehow strengthen and reconstitute the immediate urban environment, the median-square Avenida Chapultepec. ArpaFIL house is raised as a concrete slender tower apparent in 3 of its four faces as the new landmark for the area as space detonate culture of Guadalajara. Using the urban and some dependencies such as cafes, galleries and libraries to create a great cultural corridor complemented with a program comprising contemporary art museum, a film forum, outdoor galleries and restaurants. The idea was to create a cultural complex that much is missing in the city that could exploit the benefits of the area.

Conceptual / Conceptual